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Dependencies update process


Process run commands and update files with defined versions in the provided file and create PR with changes.


  1. Gradle Versions Plugin which check dependencies version and generate report
  2. Command in flank-scripts which update dependencies versions
  3. GitHub action job which runs dependencies check every Monday at 5 AM UTC or on-demand


Manually (root directory)

  1. Generate report using command ./gradlew dependencyUpdates -DoutputFormatter=json -DoutputDir=.
  2. Build flank scripts using script ./flank-scripts/bash/
  3. Run ./flank-scripts/bash/flankScripts dependencies update

GitHub action

Run Update dependencies job using GitHub action menu by clicking Run workflow button

Merging to master

Success path

If all PR jobs will succeed it means that dependencies update will not break the current code base and pull requests could be successfully merged.

Failure path

If any of PR job will fail, it means that dependencies update will break our codebase and code should be aligned before merging